Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents and Property Consultants in the Private Sector, Malaysia.


Persatuan Penilai, Pengurus Harta, Ejen Harta dan Perunding Harta Swasta Malaysia.

Founded in 1984, through the spirit of cooperation and professional commitment by the private practitioners, PEPS has worked tirelessly to promote the role of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents and Property Consultants in private sector in Malaysia.

This is also in line with our Mission Statement which is to advance professionalism, foster fellowship among valuers, property managers, estate agents, property consultants and provide support to members.

PEPS is the is the acronym for Persatuan Penilai, Pengurus Harta, Ejen Harta & Perunding Harta Swasta Malaysia (Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents and Property Consultants in the Private Sector, Malaysia).

Founded in 1984, through the spirit of cooperation and professional commitment by private practitioners, PEPS has worked tirelessly to promote the role of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents and Property Consultants in the private sector in Malaysia. Our mission is to advance professionalism, foster fellowship among valuers, property managers, estate agents, property consultants and to provide support to members.

Membership of PEPS represents almost all the valuation firms in the country by way of their principals and qualified employees being members of PEPS.

Each PEPS member can be identifies by their abbreviation MPEPS (as PEPS Ordinary Member) after their name. In gaining their professional status, PEPS members have gone through formal education starting from the first degree at higher learning institutions both locally and overseas (UK, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore). Relevant degrees are BSc in Estate Management, BSc in Land Administration, BSc in Land Economy and BSc in Surveying (Property Management).

Most of PEPS members are professional associate of The Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, UK (RICS) and are qualified Valuers, Property Managers and Estate Agents registered under the Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers Act 1981 and can be recognized by their registration numbers with the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers Malaysia (e.g. V-123 &/or E-123). With these qualifications and experience, PEPS members are the real estate and property professionals for the property industry.

PEPS provides a vital link between professional valuers, property managers, estate agents and property consultants in the private sector and the various Ministries of the Government particularly the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing & Local Government and the Ministry of Water, Land & Natural Resources (Department of Director General of Land & Mines).

PEPS has also been an instrumental in presenting the views of professional valuers, property managers, estate agents and property consultants in the private sector to the Government and the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers on matters affecting the real estate industry such as land policy, real estate valuation, development, acquisition and disposal. As one of the market intermediaries, PEPS is often called for briefing or dialogue by the Securities Commission on a regular basis.

Over the years, PEPS has organised and co-organised a series of exhibitions, seminars and conventions on property related matters. Its members are sought to give talks on current issues pertaining to the real estate industry. PEPS co-organises the annual national Real Estate Convention (NREC) with RISM until 2016. PEPS, together with the University of Malaya, had organised the world Valuation Congress, held for the first time in Kuala Lumpur in 2006 and attended by over 100 foreign and local delegates. PEPS also organises the annual Malaysian Property Summit to provide the Malaysian public an insight to the current Property Market Outlook.

PEPS and TheEdge came up with the inaugural TheEdge-PEPS Value Creation Excellence Award in 2010 and this award was presented at TheEdge Excellence Awards night every year sometime in October to November. The award is an exercise to measure the capital appreciation of properties between the property developers’ selling price and the subsequent resale price in the secondary transactions. The award is given to the property developer whose properties have the highest capital appreciation. The exercise aims to help consumers discover which properties have the greatest value creation in terms of capital appreciation and to recognise the property developer whose properties have achieved the highest value creation.


To advance professionalism, foster fellowship among valuers, property managers, estate agents, property consultants and to provide support to members


To advance professionalism, foster fellowship among valuers, property managers, estate agents, property consultants and to provide support to members.

About PEPS